이 모음은 아래의 작업들을 포함합니다.
[그럼그럼(UM-HUM)(1)], 55*30(cm), wool, nylon, polyester, acrylic yarn and mirror, tufting, 2021.
[그럼그럼(UM-HUM)(2)], 55*30(cm), wool, nylon, polyester, acrylic yarn and mirror, tufting, 2021.
[거울에 비춰봐(mirror me this)], 55*30(cm), wool, nylon, polyester, acrylic yarn and mirror, tufting, 2021.
[Feather-light delusion], 85*80(cm), wool, nylon, polyester, acrylic yarn, tufting, 2021.
[그럼그럼(UM-HUM)(2)], 55*30(cm), wool, nylon, polyester, acrylic yarn and mirror, tufting, 2021.
[거울에 비춰봐(mirror me this)], 55*30(cm), wool, nylon, polyester, acrylic yarn and mirror, tufting, 2021.
[Feather-light delusion], 85*80(cm), wool, nylon, polyester, acrylic yarn, tufting, 2021.
* 한국음악저작권협회(KOMCA) 승인필: TWICE, [SCIENTIST], FORMULA OF LOVE : 0+T = <3(2021), 작사 심은지.
엉엉 울며 떨쳐버리지 못하고 속으로 속으로 가슴아프던 경험 있으셨어요?
저는 그럴 때 ‘내 사랑은 왜 정답을 못찾지?’ 라고 생각했습니다.
그리고 더 똑부러지게 사랑하려하고, 상처받지 않으려 이리저리 재고, 모범답안 오답풀이를 열심히 찾아보았어요.
그치만 정말 정답이란게 있을까요?
모음 [미러-토킹(mirror-talking)]은 이런 우리가 거울을 보며 말했으면 싶은 노랫말을 포착했습니다.
과학 법칙도 아니고, 면허도 필요없고, 우리 모두 바보같아도 돼!

This collection contains the works as following:
[그럼그럼(UM-HUM)(1)], 55*30(cm), wool, nylon, polyester, acrylic yarn and mirror, tufting, 2021.
[그럼그럼(UM-HUM)(2)], 55*30(cm), wool, nylon, polyester, acrylic yarn and mirror, tufting, 2021.
[거울에 비춰봐(mirror me this)], 55*30(cm), wool, nylon, polyester, acrylic yarn and mirror, tufting, 2021.
[Feather-light delusion], 85*80(cm), wool, nylon, polyester, acrylic yarn, tufting, 2021.
[그럼그럼(UM-HUM)(2)], 55*30(cm), wool, nylon, polyester, acrylic yarn and mirror, tufting, 2021.
[거울에 비춰봐(mirror me this)], 55*30(cm), wool, nylon, polyester, acrylic yarn and mirror, tufting, 2021.
[Feather-light delusion], 85*80(cm), wool, nylon, polyester, acrylic yarn, tufting, 2021.
* lyrics usage authorized by KOMCA: TWICE, [SCIENTIST], FORMULA OF LOVE : 0+T = <3(2021), lyricist 심은지.
Have you ever experienced that heart-breaking moment which couldn’t be shattered off by crying and sobbing? Every time I felt that way I also thought why I couldn’t find the exact answer for my loving things.
And after that I tried to be clever, calculate and measure every possible situations and manners, and looked for the best answer and corrections.
And after that I tried to be clever, calculate and measure every possible situations and manners, and looked for the best answer and corrections.
However, are there answers really, for our love and loving things?
Collection [mirror-talking] captures and interlaces the lyrics which would be helpful for all of us who are struggling with these. There might be no such thing as best answer or corrections. It ain’t a science, and need no license! It’s okay for us to be fools sometimes.